Monday, September 28, 2009

The Girl I was, the Woman I've Become

When I was seventeen I left struck both my parents very hard.  It made Mama sick for several days.  I didn't exactly leave in a "normal" sense, like asking them if I could go, or even having a plan really, I just didn't come home one evening.  What did happen to me formed the foundation of who I am today, why I have the beliefs I do, and how I view life.  Many years later, my mama will tell me, "when you left us it hurt, but what you learned didn't hurt you."  I think that means she's forgiven me my insensitivity to their wishes at the finishing high school and staying home.  I wanted to hit the world hard and fast.....I did both, and I haven't stopped!

In September of 2007 I went to Alaska for the second time.  While in Skagway, "the man" and myself went to the Red Onion Saloon for a couple of good ol' Alaskan ales.  I struck up a conversation with two older gentlemen about my first visit to Alaska.  I would say we chatted with one another for about two hours.  When it was time for us to go, one gentleman turned to me and said, "you need to write a book about your memoirs, you need to tell these stories, write them down for your kids if nothing else."  I've thought about that comment a lot over these years.............

What I can tell my two kids is this...................I'm living a good life, I've enjoyed my journey thus far, the good has far exceeded the bad, and I wouldn't change a thing.  I've worked in many a "mans field" earning me more money but working much harder, I've rock climbed mountains (the Granite Dells, the "Monk," boulders in carefree, mountains in the Sierra's and Alaska, Mt. Baldy and the Grand Canyon), I've back-packed in areas many people will NEVER see, fished high mountain lakes ( many people will never see), I back-packed Alaska for three weeks carrying a 70 pound pack, travelling there via a ferry out of Seattle. I've hiked down into the Grand Canyon, camped for two weeks, I've hiked the Superstition's.........never finding the "gold mine" but feeling rich afterwards.  I've hiked numerous times into the Sierra's, travelling 10-14 miles a day with a heavy pack, forging cold, snow melt rivers that were deep and raging.  I've even walked into the woods with my own back-pack strapped on me and camped by myself for days............I highly recommend it to anyone!

In Northern California I lived in a community that was rife with "hippies."  Most of whom became my friends, most of whom worked but enjoyed the simple lifestyle. We'd gather once a week at someone's house, tent or tepee, share vegan meals, play music, sing, enjoy one anothers company. I learned a lot from those days........................

I've learned that it matters to me to take good care of our earth, have empathy towards others, be kind to animals, love people unconditionally.  I've learned NOT to discuss politics or religion with people because everyone has their own beliefs, mine may not be the same but it works for me.  I've learned that spontaneity gives richness to one's life. Spending time alone will heal much.................  I've learned that grand babies are definately
"GODS GIFTS," they are the extension to the lil' ones you once rocked, played with, nurtured. I've learned that you should NEVER, EVER look back and wish you'd done something differently, the past is the past, it's final.  I've learned that as you age, you become more sensitive to the important things, love, life, family and loss.  I've also learned how to love someone else and let myself be loved........unconditionally.  Sometimes the "second time around" is by far the best.

I've also learned that it's very important to take care of one's body, it has to last you a long time.  Spending time in guietude each day doesn't mean you're "lazy" it just shows that you know what you need physically and spiritually to be at peace. I've learned that loud, boisterous, people or people who complain a lot are NOT conducive to my well-being. I've learned to stay away from people who tend to be competitive, they lack self-esteem.

 I've learned that cooking good food has become my passion.  Using the most natural, untainted food is the BEST for me, the end product superior.  I've learned that to get that superb quality without paying huge sums of money requires me to raise our own food.......lamb, chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, pork, fresh eggs(both chicken and duck), and vegetables........the work is hard but the dividends are worth it.

 I also look back and understand that I've had much serendipity in my life.  A "calling" which started when I was a very young girl, placed me right smack dab into the life I have..................... a GOOD LIFE!

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