Wednesday, November 16, 2011

~ On Any Given Day......~

Our granddaughter Kiley, and her girlfriend at a Fall concert.

Two of my childhood girlfriends attending a BBQ at the ranch.

Rick (aka Bampa), helping Brady load a pumpkin at the Willis Farm

On any given day, I could be:
1. Pickin' pumpkins with my grandkids at a local farm.
2. Hosting a big party or gathering.
3. Dressing up and driving 20 miles to attend a grandchilds concert.
4. Hangin' in my favorite jeans to attend a grand childs soccer, baseball, or softball game.
5. Making a  healthy lunch, and taking it to the elementary school my daughter teaches at, so we can have a lil' mother/daughter time.
6. Booking a flight to Washington state in June with my daughter, to spend a few days with good friends touring wineries.

A lone coyote hunting in the field outside my kitchen window.

Canning heirloom & organic food from our garden annually.

Watching a lambs curiosity when it sneaks away from it's mother, only to find the grass IS greener on the otherside of the fence.

7.  Tending to a sick animal, losing sleep over it, until it's nursed back to health.
8. Creating a large, organic garden annually, so that we might partake of the finest in vegetables.
9. Seeing wildlife around our ranch, ( lil' feral cats seeking warmth and respite in our barns on a cold winter day, raccoons, deer, elk, antelope, coyotes, owls, hawks, eagles, ducks & trumpeter swans.....and snakes).

My beloved spinning wheel.

A #300 pound hog, heading to locker.  Certainly not for everyone, and by far, not easy.

My artisan yarns, sold in boutiques here in the White Mountains.

10.  Fiber art.
11.  Raising animals on our ranch, all with dignity and respect, then taking that life so that it may nourish us.
12.  The meditative art of spinning & knitting.

Attending all day BBQ's hosted by friends.

Having to say "good-bye" to a beloved pet.

Time spent with friends.

13.  Blessings for the many good friends we have.
14. Sharing years with a pet, loving them unconditionally, then making a heart-wrenching decision.
15. Good food, raised well.

The simple joy of watching our lambs.

Annual wood-cutting.

Sunrises & Sunsets

This month, when so many have "blessings" in the forefront of their minds, I can tell you, I have many.  I'm thankful for the life my mother gave me, thankful for my family & friends, thankful for the dream I aspired to reach and obtained, I'm thankful for so many daily things that it would bog the mind.  Take heed to the smallest of things in your life, sometimes they're all you need, the very essence that keeps the heart loving and pumping.