Poor "Freckles" is ready to lamb in the next week, she is carrying multiples. We're not talking about twins or triplets either. Last Spring she put out four lambs, three ram lambs and a small ewe lamb that was "silly as all get out!" This year.....is anybodys guess, but I'm thinking at least four again, if not five!
We also have another ewe/dam that is pregnant for the first time in three years. She took her time "smoozing" up to the ol' ram. Now she is also carrying multiples, twins I believe. Because most of you know that she is my sweet baby, this is just a bit nerve racking for this shepherdess. I'm compelled to be there for both of these ewes, one may need me for support and one may need me for support and manipulation of a lamb in vitro!
We have two other dams as well that are pregnant but my worry is not over them. They are seasoned, sure fired sheep who know what they are doing. Maybe it's because I have enough on my plate as it stands today. Now "Freckles" is a well seasoned, sure fire sheep also but handling the task of lambing, cleaning and suckling four or five lambs is one, big, job. Last year she barely had time to clean one off and another was on it's way.
The nights are long and tiresome for me, up every two hours round the clock until lambing season is over..............I'm sleep deprived! "The Man" helps out when he can but with a full work load I certainly don't expect him to get up every two hours during the night.....although he is missing some awesome happenings out in the world.
One-thirty a.m. April 5th.........oh my were the stars bright, and light, and the moon was yellow. I even took the time to run into the house for the camera so I could get a shot of the moon...........at one-thirty in the morning!
A couple of nights in a row, the owls have been making a racket in the ol' Elm trees. The coyotes are loud lately, food must be abundant for them. And always you hear dogs barking off in the distance.
Speaking of dogs, "Blue" usually heads out with me each and every time like a loyal companion, he protects me..... and he pees! I like that he wants to go outdoors with me, often as I'm cooing to the sheep in their jugs, he lies down near my feet wondering.........."how long is she going to coo those damn sheep?" But he waits and he's usually patient, sometimes he'll wait for me at the end of the walk-way especially if it's cold outdoors.
When lambing season is over, and the weather is warmer, and all lambs are growing ferociously, I'll grab a great book, lie in my outdoor recliner and visit the land of nod!