It held a massive catastrophic natural disaster those names would forever become synonymous with devastation, and nearly stole an iconic major national city from us. We saw the Boston Red Sox at last beat a curse held since 1919, finally winning the World Series not just once, but twice! Then there was a War....a decade of bloodshed as we worked to free the world from a force that has been a shadow throughout the world.
We have seen the lowest deeds of man come to light with the difficulties of torture, the unremorseful Bernie Madoff (made-off with all your money!), and an epic economic failure that our country felt immune from. Then there were the elections that would go down in history, with Bush's second time around and the endless jokes about Florida's inability to count, and the most memorable of all....the first African American President.
The Constitution is based on six basic principles. These are deeply ingrained in the mindset and landscape of US government...allegedly!
Let's start with "Popular Sovereignty," this principle states that the source of governmental power lies with the people. This belief stems from the concept of the social contract and the idea that government should be for the benefit of it's citizens. If the government is not protecting it's people, it should be dissolved.
Limited Government: Since the people give government it's power, government itself is limited to the power given it by them. The U.S. government does not derive it's power from itself. It must follow it's own laws and it can only act using powers given to it by the people.
There are four more principles you can look up for yourself, but I have to speak my mind here. I DO NOT believe our government speaks for the majority of the people. When the government decides that you must be "forced" to buy a government service (the new health care bill), it is unprecedented!! They are ramming a health care bill down our throats that over 70% of us said we don't want because it will actually raise healthcare costs and decrease benefits for most of us! Do you want the United States of America to become the United Socialist States of America?
It's like they are telling us, "give up all your liberties so we can help you!" Or better yet, George Carlin's quote, "people go back to bed, your government is IN CONTROL!" Scary s--t if you ask me.
I love my health care plan as it stands now....I don't want any part of the "governments health care plan." "If I choose not to participate and you throw me in jail............please Obama, make sure you give me a HD, flat screen, T.V. in my cell."
I'm not socialist and I don't want to live in a socialist country, I'm not "anti-government," but I am "Pro-Liberty!"